The 8 Essential Mods for Minecraft Java!
Minecraft has a plethora of mods, with at least 100 new ones released daily. So, it's necessary to filter them into various categories. One of these categories is essential Minecraft Java mods, which offer a better gaming experience, whether it's for improved performance or simply to have more fun playing in a different way.

It's important to note that these essential Minecraft Java mods are not only from Forge. In each entry, I will specify whether they are from CurseForge or the well-known Forge.
When making a top list of Minecraft mods, the well-known Optifine cannot be missing. It not only makes the game run much better, as it is not well optimized, but it also allows you to download amazing shaders that will completely change your Minecraft experience. If you play the Java version, having this mod installed is a must. Additionally, it's not just a standalone mod—you also have the option to combine it with Forge. So, you can use shaders along with Forge mods, making it a must-have download. If I'm not mistaken, it is available in almost all versions of the game.

Backpacked Mod
This mod is quite similar to the ones used by YouTubers or Streamers in their series, but if you don't know it, I'll give you a short description: "It adds a very useful and easy-to-create backpack. You must equip this backpack in the correct slot for it to work properly. It has 9 slots to store your items. To open the backpack, you must have it equipped and press the B key to open or close the interface. This backpack is made with leather; you need a total of 8 and place them as if you were making a chest." In short, it's a backpack that allows you to carry many more items in your adventures and journeys. You can download this mod on Forge or Fabric. It's definitely one of the essential Minecraft Java mods.

Xaero’s Minimap Mod
This one says what it does in its name. It's a mini-map like in games of the old days. It can be useful when locating yourself, as it helps you find villages, biomes, enemies, the last point where you died, and so on. It can be of great help on several occasions. This mod is available for Forge and Fabric, and I highly recommend it for a survival world.

If Optifine was on this list, its best alternative could not be missing. Oculus is a complement to the optimization mod Rubidium. Its function is to add support for Shaders, just like Optifine, to make your Minecraft world look more vibrant with shaders. Like Optifine, Oculus is one of the essential Minecraft mods.

Better McDonald’s Mod
This is the mod I mentioned in the first image. It's a mod that includes hamburgers, drinks, ice creams, salads, fries, and everything McDonald's offers. It's not super essential, but it can be interesting as a new food method. Plus, if you don't want to eat junk food, you can try it in Minecraft without harming your health. The mod is available on Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge.

Just Enough Items (JEI)
A brief description: "JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, created from scratch to provide stability and performance." This mod was mainly for older versions of Minecraft but remains very useful. That's why it is one of the essential Minecraft Java mods and is loved by the community. The mod is available on Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge.

Enchantment Descriptions
This mod helps you be more effective when enchanting your swords, pickaxes, axes, hoes, fishing rods, armor, and more. It provides a clear and concise description of the advantages certain enchantments offer. The only problem is that the descriptions are in English, but if you master the language, it's no issue. It's very useful. The mod is available on Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge.

Sophisticated Backpacks
This is similar to the backpack mod I mentioned before, but this one is much better developed and has a lot of options. For example, you can upgrade a basic backpack to have much more space, making it more worthwhile to have a backpack. There are more features, but I don't want to extend this post too much. You can watch the video on the official page for more details. This is also one of the essential Minecraft Java mods, just like the backpacked mod.

More essential Minecraft Java mods?
As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, the game has a wide variety of mods, including animals, cooking, combat, copyrighted characters, the Jenny Mod, and more. I only mentioned the ones I found useful and that can be useful in your world, making them essential Minecraft Java mods, especially in a survival world.