The Woody Colt skin in Brawl Stars!
Well, now it's time to talk about the Woody skin that this time fits Colt perfectly, it matches his design and personality. So today I will tell you if it's worth buying the Woody Colt skin in Brawl Stars or if it's better to spend the gems on something else.

Basics and Ultimate
Woody's basics are toy snakes, it's that simple. The ultimate is also snakes but with more aura. And you may ask, why are they snakes and not something else? Well, I'll tell you because it's a reference to the Toy Story movies where Woody says, "there's a snake in my boot." There's no need to over-analyze this reference; I think it's the simplest one of all.
I would say this is the best and most incredible part of this skin, not only because the victory animation is fantastic, but also because it reminds all of us who watched Toy Story 2 of the iconic scene where Woody comes out of a box trying to impress everyone. As for the defeat animation, it's not the best I've seen, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It doesn't reference any specific scene, but it does reference how the toys fall when they see a human approaching, and Woody just lays there without moving.
Price and Quality of the Woody Colt Skin in Brawl Stars
As you know, the quality of this skin is mythical, which means it will cost 199 gems. This means two things: one, it comes with an icon and a pin; and two, it's not worth it at all. It's very expensive for what it actually is; it should be epic at most. The Jessie skin has better effects and is super special, but this one is just a redesign with different basics. It's really not worth spending 199 gems on something so common. But well, that's just my opinion. If you're a Colt main, then buy the Woody Colt skin in Brawl Stars if you want, I'm not forcing you not to.
