All about the new brawler Shade in Brawl Stars!
In the Brawl Talk of Los Angeles and Demons they announced Shade, everyone has the doubt of what he does, basics, ultimate, gadgets, star abilities and above all the release date. So today I will tell you everything about the new Brawler Shade in Brawl Stars.

History of the new brawler Shade
The brawler's design doesn't leave much to the imagination, it's a set of clothing that imitates the upper torso of a human, this came to life thanks to Gus's imagination, in the video that Brawl Stars published on YouTube we can see that it's actually just a sweater, glasses and a cap stacked in a train car, so it's not a Brawler that has a life outside of Gus's mind. This Brawler is part of the trio of Chuck and Gus, completing the ghostly trio. In addition, this is an epic and murderous category Brawler thanks to his special abilities.

Basics and movement
It has some pretty peculiar basics, since these have double damage so to speak, it has an area attack like Bibi's but with the detail that it is her sweater arms that attack, added to the fact that it can do a critical attack in the center of the attack, so you must have the correct precision to eliminate all the rivals, although its basics also go through walls. Since the new brawler Shade is a ghost, he can walk or rather float on water, so no Mortis will eliminate you on a map with water, this makes it something very broken.

Ultimate Shade
Well, if the ability to float on water wasn't enough, you also have the ultimate that allows you to become an intangible being, in Spanish it means that you can go through all the walls on the map, but when I say all, I mean all, including the map's barriers, obviously for a limited time but that doesn't mean it's not a bit broken, plus when using the ultimate you have a dash to make it much easier.

This Brawler has two quite interesting gadgets since it is very difficult to choose one of them thanks to his great contribution, these are:
Shade's basic will increase your attack range by 50%, so you have a much better chance of hitting your opponents..
Jump scare
This gadget serves to slow down rivals for 4 seconds in a small range, it serves to give you the critical attack in a few words.
Star power
Now it's time to talk about Shade's two star abilities that are also very helpful.
Hardened hoodie
This ability reduces the damage Shade takes in his ghost stage by 30%, a great gadget for escaping.
Spooky speedster
This ability is used to increase Shade's speed, but for that to happen you have to hit a critical attack.
Best Shade Build
Even though the new Brawler Shade has not come out in Brawl Stars, it is important to mention the build, although it is a bit complicated because we cannot play with him and try out the game modes, but it still serves as a recommendation that can be useful to guide you:
Star power: Hardened hoodie
Gadget: Longarms
Gear1: Health
Gear 2: Shield
Shade Mastery
Shade's mastery has not yet been confirmed, it will be known the day it comes out, but thanks to the history of the new Brawler Shade we can intuit that it has something to do with ghosts, and yes, he shares the name of the mastery with Gus, Shade's mastery is ghostly like Gus, only this happens in the Spanish version, in English Gus has the mastery of the lost one and Shade of ghostly, although the latter only exists in Gus's mind.

When does Shade come out in Brawl Stars?
Now the most important question, at least by the time I upload this post, when does the new Brawler Shade come out? This question is easy to answer since it was also answered in the Brawl Talk of angels and demons, Shade will be released on November 28th of this year, but you have to buy early access, which will come with coins, pins, sprays, obviously the Brawler and a recolor of the base Shade, the same thing only with a movie theme. Now, for all the public that won't spend 10 dollars (if not much more) on an early access of a Brawler and a somewhat ugly skin, it will be available on December 6th for credits, 950 credits of the Epic Brawlers if I'm not mistaken, an excellent Brawler that will surely break the meta for a month until they neerfen it, rendering it completely useless.
